Resident Advisor for CU

Fall 2005-Spring 2008

As soon as most people read RA (GRT in MIT terms), they read 'nark' or think of some authoritarian figure with aviator glasses on. See me during our hall snowball fight for 'angry me'.

Well that's not how it goes at all for me. I loved being an RA. Being that ceaseless friend, helping people, and being part of a strong community have been some of my favorite memories. I have been an RA at CU Boulder for 3 years.

Because of my work I was nominated for the AIMHO outstanding RA role.

I also was the "Senior RA" my Senior year, where I spent my time teaching other people how to be RA's.

Some of my favorite activities:
  • Ski Trip up to Keystone Resort
  • Dodgeball Games
  • Yoga
  • Wii and Rockband Nights
  • Infinite number of Hall Dinners
  • Movie Nights
Some of the more intense things I have dealt with:

  • Flaming Pizza Boxes
  • Grocery Carts off the Balcony
  • Roomate Conflicts
  • Alcoholism/Alcohol Poisoning
  • Suicide Attempts
  • Arsonists
  • Drug Dealers
  • Guns in rooms
  • Eating Disorders
  • Relationship problems
  • Academic Problems
  • and once a SWAT team knocked on my door at 6am in the morning

Being an RA allowed me to create strong communities, help people, and develop meaningful relationships.