Experimenter Effect with EDA

Spring 2007

One of my favorite classes I ever took looked very thoroughly at all the research done on Psychic research. Feomm telekinetic to precognition, we analyzed the research done with thorough scientific reasoning. As a side project I ran my own Psy experiment. We tested the effects of remote staring. I constructed a galvanic skin response that could read people's physical response to stimuli (this same contraption is used in lie detector tests).

Recruiting over 100 people, including 4 PhD's, we ran our own official psychic experiment. In the end we were invited to present our results to the Society of Scientific Exploration at a conference in Utah. Below I have some of programs I developed for this research. Whether you believe in psychic phenomena or not, hopefully you can appreciate my MatLab code and Flash skills:

This presentation was used to demonstrate our results at a scientific conference. I don't know how much sense it will make without me explaining the experiment :).

This Matlab file took a LARGE amount of data, and formatted with various forms of Fourier Transforms and derivatives. We were then able to analyze our results visually and numerically.

This user interface made it so various doctoral physicists could run these experiments. (Which they did).